Looking for a stylish brown art bag with a flat rope handhold? Look no further than our factory-made Flat Rope Handhold With Rivets Brown Art Bag. Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, this bag is the perfect accessory for any artist or creative. Order now and see the quality for yourself!
This bag is an excellent substitute for traditional plastic bags. It is not only more visually attractive than plastic bags, but also provides your customers with a sense of quality that they can really feel. Whether in your boutiques, grocery stores, markets, delicatessens or wineries, this bag will definitely make your products look upscale when you go out. This bag is very suitable for storing groceries, small take-out orders or staple food in boutiques. The firm handle of the bag is easy to carry, while the rectangular base makes the bag stand upright during loading and unloading and transportation. This makes it easier for you and your customers to check out. With this bag, you can easily carry up to 22 pounds of products. First, choose the design that suits your product and brand voice. We have wholesale paper bags, such as handless commodity bags for storing books and cards. Use European handbags provided by standard, San Francisco, Manhattan and twill handle styles to create high-end goods. Many styles have environmental protection choices, because recycled paper bags are the selling points of many customers. If you sell large toys or household goods, please order cub bags for small ornaments and small commodities and obtain large size. The bags made by these machines provide excellent value with competitive price and uncompromising quality. This is an excellent choice to improve brand value while achieving low costs. ShengYuan there are white or natural brown paper (original or recycled paper) to choose from. All bags are recyclable and compostable, and are printed with non-toxic water-based ink.