Looking for a high-quality art shopping bag? Our Silver Braided Rope Hand-Held bags are not only stylish but also durable. As a factory, we guarantee the best prices and top-notch customer service!
Paper bag is a kind of environmental-friendly packaging bag, among which cardboard bag and white cardboard bag are most used and have the widest range. Cardboard bags are non-toxic, tasteless and pollution-free, conform to the national environmental protection standards, high strength and high environmental protection, and are one of the most popular environmental protection packaging materials. Paper bags are used in supermarkets, shopping malls, clothing stores, shoe stores, gold and silver jewelry stores and other places for shopping, which is convenient for customers to carry the purchased items. Many food paper bags are also used in snack packages such as bakeries and cake shops. The colors of paper bags are divided into white kraft paper, which is also called white cardboard and yellow kraft paper. The opening and sealing methods are divided into heat sealing, paper sealing and paste bottom. They are made of solid high quality paper with strong strength and can carry almost all items. Buy an affordable T-shirt package from ShengYuan to save your business costs. We offer various sizes to meet all carrying requirements of your retail store. Customization is another amazing feature of these packages. Customize them with your brand name and logo to add uniqueness to your retail brand. These shopping bags have square bottom, which is convenient for standing and packaging. The twisted paper handle is firm and durable, and it is made of strong heavy paper. It can be reused and recycled, and can also be customized to print paper shopping bags.